Hero 108 Fan Fiction Wiki

Hero: 108 - Heroes of the Hidden Kingdom is the newest game that director Jon Peterson is going to create in the future for the Nintendo Wii U.

Characters - The Legion of Big Green[]

- Lin Chung: The leader of the Legion of Big Green, and the love interest of Mystique Sonia.

- Mystique Sonia: The second-in-command of the Legion of Big Green, and the love interest of Lin Chung.

- Jon Peterson: The founder, the intelligence and the fury of the Legion of Big Green. The main focus in the final battle against Twin Masters, and the love interest of Rosefinch.

- Rosefinch: The Big Green Air Force pilot ace, the intelligence assistant, the freeze of the Legion of Big Green, and the love interest of Jon Peterson.

- Mr. No Hands: The former leader of First Squad, the elite and the former wingman of the Legion of Big Green.

- Jumpy Ghostface: The current Rabbit King, the happy-go-lucky rabbit with a good sense of humor and great with demolition, hence the carrot grenades of the Legion of Big Green.

- Mighty Ray: The hotshot muscle of the Legion of Big Green, and the one that he and Jon gets into devious fights, which it may interrupt Mystique Sonia or Lin Chung or both.
